We provide the BEST long-term branding vehicle.
Expert Contributor
(36 MO)
- Exclusive Listing in Panel of Experts
- Large Ad Size (Full to Quarter or Premium)
- Business Profile (First month)
- Quarterly Articles (300-600 words)
Standard Advertisement (12 MO)
- Monthly Ad Size
(Full to Eighth or Premium) - Section Sponsorships
(1/2 Page Ad + Content) - Business Profile (first month)
- Monthly Ad Size
Event Promotion
(1 MO)
- Promote events, enrollments, and short-term awareness for a single insertion.
Digital Touch Add-on
(Mirrors Print Term)
- Google Display Ad Network
- Facebook Ads
Get in front of
the right eyes…
Local businesses & families read our magazine
Our positive influence rubs off on your business
Our magazine regularly delights your best possible clients
Advertising by the Numbers
Percent of respondents who ranked the media channel as #1

Community magazines are the most preferred media for targeting “upscale” consumers, with a higher percentage than any other media.
There can only be one!
Collierville Living Magazine offers several advertising packages that benefit you as the advertiser and the community as a whole. The Expert Contributor allows you to share your expertise, and solidify you and your brand as the go-to business in this neighborhood.
Locally, Hayes Hora, Publisher, brings Collierville Living and Olive Branch Living to you.

Samples of our Work

Hayes Hora, Founder & Publisher of Collierville Living Magazine
Experience with the Yellow Pages and the Commercial Appeal led me to start this platform that truly does what marketing should do: bring businesses and our neighbors together.
Hayes Hora Publishing currently publishes Collierville Living Magazine and Olive Branch Living Magazine.

Advertising with Collierville Living
Please contact Hayes Hora for a rate card or to discuss your goals.
We offer standard space advertising, premium advertising and geo-targeted digital advertising.
Call (901) 604-9731 or leave us a message:
2 Page Business Profiles

Building Your Brand
Building a brand takes a lot of hard work and time. Our partners can effectively influence their audience through storytelling while building a healthy & attractive reputation for themselves in our neighborhoods over time. Experts enjoy exclusivity in the Magazine, owning the space without any of their competitors sharing the limelight.